Wednesday, 2 October 2013

No Tapu te Ranga ahau | Kaelin Spence, Ashley McCloy, Rory Maher, and Hugo Johnston

In the morning, the wind blows in my window
it tickles me and wakes me up.
Bird houses swing in the opening gale.

I can see:
squiggly lines like a spider’s nest,
twinkling leaves,
a leaf like a sprinkler spurting water,
waves beyond the seashore.
The sun shines like fire bursting out!
I see bugs like mini creatures,
swishing waves like diving dolphins.

On the side of the road we see
moss like lava pouring over a wall.
Planes like carrots,
leaves with crinkly lines
like grizzly bears’ fur stuck together.
Toitoi like bunny’s tails,
gold toitoi like swords..

I see wood like
big old swishy logs.
Big old wooden crabs crouch at the roadside.

I see
the sky lights up like lightning,
kayaks like a big leaf.
Holes like secret hideouts,
little tiny flies doing exercise.

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